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  • Writer's pictureSaumya Bhardwaj

Detoxing my social media

Updated: May 13, 2020


Why take a social media detox?

If you're here or you've been thinking about some time off of social media, you should probably do it, and that should be the reason enough.

How often do you reach for your phone first thing in the morning and check your Twitter notifications? How often when you're on a vacayy are you more concerned about taking the perfect Instagram picture than actually living it there? A social media detox gives us a bit of clarity into this.

Clear your mind

Detox gives you the chance to clear your head space.

We're stuck in this online world of pretty filters on models and so called "influencers", a friend's curated version of their life in photos and captions and these people going on fancy vacations every other month. Constantly having to be updated with trend and having that mental social pressure of being perfect from every angle.This is all a recipe for a disaster when it comes to our mental health. It's unnecessary clutter, its informational junk food and ultimately most of it is useless to you besides disturbing your tranquility. Imagine how much more of a productive usage you can get out of your time & energy could go into the things you actually care about.

Take back control of your digital habits

Think about it!

Every time you pull down the screen and refresh, hoping there's something new to stimulate you. And when there's a new like, comment, or a favorite, you get a little bit of that dopamine hit.

This is intentional.

These apps and websites have been optimized for years by behavior scientists and psychologists hired by these tech companies to keep you engaged with their application and that instant gratification it gives you.

Let me tell you, no one wakes up all pretty & cute not even that favorite influencer of yours, for that matter!


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